Plants, Ecosystems, Agriculture, and Earth Systems
Dr. Ying Sun's lab studies the roles that plants play in hydrosphere-biosphere-atmosphere interactions.
The long-term goals of Dr. Ying lab’s research program are to advance the frontiers of knowledge on:
How do natural and managed terrestrial ecosystems respond and feedback to climate change/variability and anthropogenic activities at multi-scales in time and space?
How to faithfully and timely monitor and predict climate-biosphere-hydrosphere interactions/feedback for informing policy-making towards sustainable development?
We are always looking for highly motivated students and postdocs to join our lab. If you are interested, please contact
New postdoctoral researcher: Dr. Zherong Wu
11 September, 2023
PhD graduation: Dr. Jiaming Wen
27 May, 2023
New paper online: From Remotely-Sensed SIF to Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Service:
Part I - Harnessing Theory
21 February, 2023
PhD candidacy exam passed: Jiameng Lai
9 December, 2022